Soulwork and Spiritual Exploration

The journey of the soul is a profound exploration that requires not just courage but also a nurturing environment where one’s spiritual essence can safely intertwine with the threads of everyday life. My practice offers such a sanctuary - a place where spiritual exploration and soulwork are encouraged and supported in a manner that respects your personal sovereignty and promotes genuine growth.

Recognizing the vulnerability in seeking spiritual teachings, our collaborative effort is grounded in discernment, helping you find communities and teachings that honour your individuality and contribute to your spiritual evolution. Together, we will delve into practices such as dream work, journey work, and reflective exercises, fostering a dialogue with the innermost parts of your being.

As we navigate the inner landscapes, we will embrace shadow work, integrating unacknowledged elements of the self to cultivate a more unified and empowered identity. The journey may take you to unexpected places, and part of our shared endeavor is to provide you with the tools to discern genuine and supportive spiritual paths from those that may be misleading or harmful.

I am here to accompany you on this path, ensuring that your pursuit of spiritual awakening is marked by authenticity, personal integrity, and joy. Whether you seek answers to profound questions, guidance on your life's purpose, or enrichment of your spiritual practices, our work together aims to be your compass to deeper understanding and inner peace.

Let us embark on this sacred journey together, with open eyes and hearts, ready to embrace the true essence of spiritual exploration and the promise it holds for an enlightened existence.

Areas of Focus:

Intuitive Development: Enhancing the ability to listen to and trust one's inner wisdom.

Spiritual Pathfinding: Guiding you in finding and forging a spiritual path that is both authentic and personally rewarding.

Shadow Work: Engaging with and assimilating the hidden parts of the self for comprehensive personal development.

Learning and Growth: Creating a learning space that encourages exploration and deepens understanding of spiritual concepts and practices.

Sessions are available both online and in person at my studio on Bowen Island.

Session Length:

  • 60 Minute Session: $130

  • 90 Minute Session: $170

Financial Assistance:
A few spots with sliding scale or discounted rates are available for those facing financial constraints. Reach out to learn more about eligibility and availability.

Discovery Call:
Unsure if my services are the right fit for you. Schedule a complimentary 15-minute discovery call to learn more about my approach and determine if we're a good match. Book your call now.

Ready to schedule a session, book online today.