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WCEMC Summer Solstice Gathering and Celebration

  • Maple Ridge Canada (map)

Summer Solstice
Gathering and Celebration
Saturday, June 24th

2pm - 8pm

Join us, along other like-minded women for a very special day on the land, honouring the change of seasons, each other, and Mother Earth. You will be held by 4 different practioners as we move through the day.  Together, we will release The Spring, and we will welcome in Summer, along with the Wisdom of The Body and our Womb Space, as well as the Spiritual Self. 

Date: Saturday, June 24th
Location: Maple Ridge
*address given upon registration*
To complete registration click here:


Gathering Time line: 2pm -8pm
Our gathering will begin at 2pm sharp and will release 8pm

We open for arrival at 1:45 pm

Slider Scale Investment: $80-$120

*please DO NOT let finances stop you from attending this gathering
connect with us if you are in need of financial assistance*

What to expect:

4 unique Ritual and Honouring circles.
Fire Circle.
Cacao Ceremony.
Connection to The Land, the Ancestors, OurSelves
Grief Honouring.
Sacred Sound.
Journey and Meditation.

We will be providing a Gourmet Hot Dog Buffet for our dinner break.

We ask that women, who feel the call and have the ability, to please bring easy snacks to share and make our pot luck complete. This is part of the tradition and the ceremony of gathering; to break bread together, share a meal and nourish ourselves along side one another.

More details around food in the What to Bring list below.

note: You will be roasting your own hot dogs. We will provide assorted options including regular, chicken and veggie dogs. 

*Please let us know if you are gluten free so we can have that available.

What to bring:
*Lawn chair, meditation pillow, yoga mat
*umbrella if needed
*water bottle
*items for our community altar
(this can be sacred items to charge, or sacred medicine as well as well as compostable offerings to the land and to the spirit our gathering)
*favourite mug for Cacao Ceremony
*journal and pen if that is your jam
*easy finger foods, snacks and/or sweets to share
(bring your own serving dish if needed)
*PLEASE NOTE there will be no fridge or cooking appliances where we are gathering, so please keep items that need to be cooled in your coolers in your cars until it is time to bring them out
*hot dogs roasters
(we will have some, but not enough for everyone make sure they are marked so you don't lose yours)
*extra snacks/beverages for yourself in needed
*dress accordingly

What you need to know:

*We will have extra water for you to refill your water bottle.

*We will be supplying napkins only for our shared meal

*There will be no fridge or cooking appliances where we are gathering, so please keep items that need to be cooled in your coolers in your cars until it is time to bring them out
*There is plenty of parking on the property.
We are gathering on an empty, private, 2 acre lot, at the very end of the street

so there is no need to park on the road.
*There is a porta-potty on the property

*There is a creek and river close by.
*We ask for respect of the land we are gathering on,

please plan to take out what you bring in.

Alchemy is the theme for our gathering. 'Life is perpetual movement, and yet life is also still. Life is change, and yet, it is also unchanging. You are part of this moving stillness, changing and unchanging through time and ternity. Something is moving within a still apart of you, and yet, something is still within the moving part  of you. Meditati on this. feel the complete oneness in your being.' 

pulled from the Sacred Earth Oracle

Celebrating the change of seasons is a way for us to honour the changing seasons of our human journey. It is also a great opportunity to acknowledge and honour all that we endure, learn and celebrate the roads we have traveled.

In ceremony and ritual we also pay homage to The Mother of all Life, our Earth, who sustains and provides for us as well as the Compassionate Spirits who walk with us, the Guardians of the Four Directions and The Great Mystery from which we all come from. The Summer Solstice is the day with the longest period of sunlight, so on this day we celebrate the light of The Sun and the light within. We acknowledge and honour the direction of The South and the Fires of Passion that lie within each of us.

We look forward to gathering with you!
Love Light and Sisterhood
The West Coast Earth Medicine Collective

This event is open to all cis and trans women, two-Spirited and non-binary.
This is a drug and alcohol-free event.